
My Favorite Beauty Tips!

I have some general beauty tips that I have learnt or have been past on too me! Enjoy! :)

How to cover up a picked at pimple: I have a terrible habit of picking at pimples and it causes the middle of it to be all gross and if I need to cover it up, I take a q-tip and put a concealer treatment on it and lightly dab it. Don't over do it! Less is more, the more makeup on it the more attention it will draw to that spot on your face! For a treating concealer I recommend Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Concealer.

Always remove eye makeup before you go to bed! This makes it so your eyelashes don't break and if you just didn't bother removing it at all - I know some people do! Start! Because it makes your mascara go on more nicely and you are really allowing your mascara live to its full potential! And we want that!!

Always moisturize before applying foundation! This makes your makeup go on smoothly and if your skin is dry it gives you moisture that your skin needs! I wait at least 5 minutes after applying moisturizer to put on foundation so the makeup goes on nicely over the foundation.

Wear a SPF everyday, sun or no sun!! Your skin will thank you if you get a foundation that has a SPF in it, which a lot of foundations or moisturizers do! This will prevent you from sun damage and will cause you not to get wrinkly and  have dark spots, and obviously helps prevent skin cancer. Skip the tanning salon and opt for a spray tan or a good self tanner. I recommend Jergens Natural Glow or Lancome Flash Bronzer, I used to use Tantowels which were excellent (and cheap!) but they no longer sell them in my area I'm not sure if the product is dis-continued but if it is not and it is available in your area I definitely recommend them too you!!

If you want your eyeliner to go on smoother and easier put it in your freezer.

Get matched! There is nothing that makes me cringe more when I see a girl with an orange face and a white neck, see a professional and they will match you too their brand or I have seen consultants look at your makeup bag and see if it matches you correctly or not. Good lighting is the key, I always get my mom to check my neck for a makeup line if I am not sure if I have a makeup line or not!

Foundation - less is more!! When applying foundation do not slap it all over your face, it will only make you look cakey or shiny, what I do is either only apply it in areas that I need the coverage or if I do need full coverage I put it in four areas on my face: my forehead, right cheek, left cheek and my chin and blend outwards.

For extra long lashes, I put my eyelash curler under a hairdryer for a couple seconds (not to long because it gets really hot and will burn your eyelids!) and curl my lashes before mascara.. works like a charm! I do it every time I go out!!

Exfoliate! If you exfoliate your skin is smoother, softer and it is better looking and makes it much easier to put on foundation, also great if you have dry skin it takes away dead skin!!

Tone! If you use a toner, this will help clear up your skin and I do this day and night and it definitely helps my problem areas!

DON'T put foundation on your lips! I unfourtantely did this when I was in high school I could just never find a lipstick that was the right shade that I wanted, it causes white, dry skin on your lips.. and who wants chapped lips??! Opt for a nude lip color (I have since found one Revlon Colorburst Lipstick in Soft Nude) And bright colored lips are in now anyways. If you naturally have red lips (like me) embrace it!

When trying a new skin treatment (or medication) your skin will probably break out, things have to get worse before they get better! Don't worry if you bought a new skin care system and you are breaking out, it may work for you - you just have to stick too it long enough to know!!

Clean Your makeup brushes! (Or throw out your sponges!) This may be why you're breaking out! Use a mild soap to clean them. If you want more details on how often to clean every brush and how this website is great! http://www.essentialbeautysupplies.com/pages/cleaning_brushes.html

Throw out old makeup! Some people have makeup that they have had forever that they still use - this can also cause acne because of the bacteria! And the makeup will not be in its full potential.. think of it like expired food.. who wants that? Throw mascaras out after 3 months.. it will be dry anyways and it is absolutely full of bacteria! And foundations typically can be used for up too a year. Throw out old cleansers and moisturizers after 6 months of use.

Share tips not makeup! Makeup is full of bacteria and you really don't want to share that with anyone! Doing this could cause an eye or skin infection, and sharing makeup just isn't sanitary - regardless if you are best friends, sisters, mother and daughter or anything! Do not share makeup, makeup brushes or tools!

Use a primer! Primers make your makeup go on smoother and last longer, help hide fine lines and make the most of your foundation! I recently purchased Lacome's Dewy Glow Base and I love it! The only problem I have with it is that it is really stinky.. and it cannot be inhaled or anything. I will probably post a review on this within the week! :)

I will post more in the future, hope you enjoyed these tips and I hope they help! :)

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