
First Post! My Background

This is my first post on this blog! I have had blogs before but never a beauty one! So maybe I will start off with talking about myself and my makeup background.

All of my life I have absolutely loved everything beauty - makeup, hair, fashion, fragrance,skin care and exercise and well-being (I know it's not beauty but - music!) and I have always followed beauty, fashion, music blogs or watched videos but I just recently thought that maybe I should do something like that!

This upcoming September I am attending a beauty school and I am going to take Makeup-Artistry! It is a lifelong dream and I cannot wait - I am beyond excited!

As for my experience, it all really basically just started when I was a little girl, I have two older sisters, one is 13 years older then me and the other 9 years my senior, I was always enchanted by their makeup and hair as even a toddler and they eventually taught me some basic makeup tips and I haven't looked back since! My mother also is a Makeup Consultant for Lancomè makeup in my area, and I attend (or work) at every Makeup Gala that she has or any makeup related event that is going on in my small town.
I figured this blog would be a great way for me too post and let people know good products, products I dislike and how to properly apply makeup among many other things, I have always been the guinea pig that tested absolutely every product that intrigued me for my friends and family, I cannot walk by a makeup counter and not take a glimpse.. often the visit does end with a purchase and I would like to extend my knowledge of makeup and product knowledge along for others to pass along as well :)
Fashion, another one of my favorite things - if I was not taking Makeup Artistry I would probably be studying fashion or maybe even designing or something to do with the Music Industry, so this blog will have music posts because it is an obsession of mine as well.

Hope you enjoy the blog!

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